Acupuncture is a medical treatment involving the stimulation of acupuncture points with sterile needles or laser. Medical acupuncture is performed by a doctor who is trained in providing a medical diagnosis and using evidence-based treatment to provide relief from pain. A full medical assessment including history, examination and investigations will be performed prior to an acupuncture treatment.
Local nerve endings are stimulated and transmit information to the spinal cord and brain. Pain inhibition occurs as a result of local anti-inflammatory effects as well as modulating pain information from the brain and spinal cord. Acupuncture promotes healing, reduces pain, calms the body and the mind and can inactivate myofascial trigger points. Laser acupuncture is a form of low-level laser therapy. It involves activation of acupuncture points with a low level visible red light laser. The treatments are painless. The light penetrates 1-2mm into body tissues. It produces a local anti-inflammatory effect as well as producing a generalised effect on pain sensation. It is safe and has no major side effects.
Generally, acupuncture treatments are done weekly and require approximately six to ten treatments to provide a significant effect. Most patients report a gradual and marked improvement in pain with subsequent treatments and an improvement in general well-being. Occasionally there can be a mild flare up of symptoms after the treatment which is a sign that body is responding to the treatment.
Strong evidence exists for the use of acupuncture in the management of both acute and chronic pain conditions.
Acupuncture can be useful in managing the following conditions:
Application of acupuncture needles is mildly painful but this usually settles quickly. The needles are single use and sterile. Laser acupuncture is completely pain free. Post acupuncture treatment, there may be a small flare up of the pain and a feeling of tiredness. This is often mild and can be easily managed. Usually patients report a general feeling of well-being, improved sleep, better mobility and reduced pain.